
Explaining the concept of love to an adopted child.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what love means to me. Here is something for those who have adopted children. These are some of my thoughts about learning about love from my adoptive family...  Growing up, my adoptive mother stressed that "love is trust and trust is love". She talked often about how rea l Love is a type of trust that means someone will be there for you when things get hard.  I realized yesterday, that statements like these hurt me as an adoptee, much more than they helped. Although, I believe my adoptive mother's intentions were most likely good, it isn't a helpful thing to tell an adoptee whose birth parents weren't able to be there for them when things got hard, that love is equal to trusting someone to be there for you. Statements like this I think made me feel like... Maybe I am not lovable enough for my original parents to have stuck around during the hard times.  Maybe I'm not worth it. He...